Recent pandemics like COVID-19 highlight the need for the virology research center, essentials for precautionary material, and vaccine development. Continuous research in this sector will ensure a healthy society.

- Identification and characterization of the etiological agents of outbreaks and epidemics
- Development of newer and more rapid diagnostics
- Establishment of surveillance and monitoring systems
- Molecular epidemiology of viruses for public health
- Development of vaccines and immunotherapeutics
- Manpower development in virology: master course in virology, short-term training courses in diagnostic virology, animal tissue culture, interferon assays, medical entomology, etc.
Research areas include Cell repository, Electron microscopy, Rickettsioses, Hepatitis, Influenza, and related viruses, Clinical virology, Biochemistry, Virus registry, and Bio statistics.
The general categories to highlight will be as follows
- Animal House
- Avian Influenza Group
- Bioinformatics Division
- BSL-3 Facility (Polio Essential Facility)
- Central Library Facility
- Dengue & Chikungunya Group
- Diagnostics Group
- Electron Microscopy Group
- Entomology Division
- Hepatitis group
- Influenza group
- Japanese Encephalitis Group
- Outbreak Response Group
- Enteric Virus Group
- VRDL Group
- Master Course in Virology
- BSL4
- Administration
- Engineering